Greasing The Groove:


The Monster Golf Swing program is designed to take advantage of two very effective strength training theories. They are greasing the groove (GTG) and synaptic facilitation. Here is a brief explanation of each technique and how they will help improve your golf performance.

Greasing the groove (GTG) suggests that by performing a movement pattern repeatedly you will get stronger because of movement efficiency. In other words by repeating the same movement over and over again, you will get stronger. Strength is highly dependent on the ability of the brain and nervous system to activate the muscles.  GTG speeds up this process dramatically by making the circuits or neuromuscular “grooves” more efficient.

Synaptic Facilitation emphasizes not training to exhaustion. By exposing your body to the same exercise in a low to medium dose (low sets and reps), you will get stronger quicker as opposed to training to exhaustion only a couple of times a week.

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