Kneeling Lunge Stretch
Filed under Golf Fitness
The hip flexors are a bit tricky in that they tend to be really tight or really loose. Either scenario can produce posture imbalances and or back pain. A dead giveaway that you have tight hip flexors is that you have a Donald Duck posture in your hips i.e. your butt sticks out excessively. On the other hand if you have a Pink Panther type posture where your hips project forward in relation to your shoulders you most likely will have loose hip flexors. If you perform the lunge stretch with proper form and do not feel the stretch deep in the groin area you may have loose hip flexors and will need to go to maintenance mode with the lunge stretch.
Are You Bonking In Your Sleep?
Filed under Healthy Lifestyle Coaching
Eating the wrong food before bedtime will disrupt sleep quality. Often times when you wake up in the middle of the night and can not get back to sleep it is because your blood sugar has dropped low enough to cause your body to produce adrenaline which pulls you out of a deep sleep. Before bedtime make sure your fuel mixture is balanced for your individual needs.
The Safe Application of Force
Filed under Golf Fitness
When your body absorbs force, it responds by getting stronger. The challenge is getting the force through the body without trashing it. The kettlebell swing allows you to generate the same, if not greater forces as a vertical jump without your feet leaving the ground. This means you save your joints from wear and tear. You can train more frequently, which means that you will get stronger faster.
For more tips golf tips on power visit!
Stability Is A Perquisite For Strength:
Filed under Golf Fitness
Your golf fitness must be like a pyramid in that one phase builds on the next. In order to have optimal strength you must first build adequate stability.
Adrenal Health and Weight Loss:
Filed under Weight Loss
The adrenal glands play a major role in weight loss. It will be very difficult to lose weight if the adrenal glands are not functioning optimally. Your ability to produce energy, metabolize fat (or convert fat to fuel) and maintain proper water balance in the body is all dependent on adrenal health. The six foundational principles will help you accomplish this goal.
Building Strength and Conditioning Reserves:
Filed under Golf Fitness
Excessive grip tension will kill your golf swing. On the other hand, if your grip is too loose, the club will twist at impact or completely fly out of your hand. So there has to be a happy medium.
What if your ideal grip tension was a 4 and now after training with kettlebells it becomes a 2? In other words you will be using less effort to hold on to the golf club. Less tension mean more speed. More speed means more power. Now imagine this same result happening in your hips, spine, ribcage and shoulders. Well you don’t need to imagine it because that’s EXACTLY what’s going to happen in your Monster Golf Swing program.
To get started with the Monster Golf Swing Program visit:
Pack Your Food
The number one thing that anyone can do to ensure success in their health, fitness, and weight loss or any other endeavor related to their well being is to pack their food. If you rely on the food that is available to you on the go you will lose that battle every time. Pack your food, pack your food and pack your food!!
Improve Strength To Improve Consistency
Filed under Golf Fitness
In any sport the stronger athlete will always be more accurate and consistent with whatever task they perform. After a solid foundation of flexibility, mobility, and balance the development of strength is the next step in your golf performance objectives.
For more golf tips visit:
Food Quality Counts
Filed under Weight Loss
The easiest way to lose weight, get healthy, and perform better is to improve your food quality. Even if you eat exactly the same as you do now but improve food quality by eliminating chemicals and preservative it will make a big difference.
Greasing The Groove:
Filed under Golf Fitness
The Monster Golf Swing program is designed to take advantage of two very effective strength training theories. They are greasing the groove (GTG) and synaptic facilitation. Here is a brief explanation of each technique and how they will help improve your golf performance.
Greasing the groove (GTG) suggests that by performing a movement pattern repeatedly you will get stronger because of movement efficiency. In other words by repeating the same movement over and over again, you will get stronger. Strength is highly dependent on the ability of the brain and nervous system to activate the muscles. GTG speeds up this process dramatically by making the circuits or neuromuscular “grooves” more efficient.
Synaptic Facilitation emphasizes not training to exhaustion. By exposing your body to the same exercise in a low to medium dose (low sets and reps), you will get stronger quicker as opposed to training to exhaustion only a couple of times a week.
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