Strength Stretching
Filed under Golf Fitness
Our body has a protective mechanism that does not allow it to move beyond a point that it is not strong enough to control. It can be likened to the parking break on your car. For example a tight hip muscle will restrict hip mechanics during the golf swing. The tighter the hip muscle gets, the weaker it gets. Tightness begets weakness and weakness begets tightness. It is a perpetuating cycle that will continue until the muscle is properly stretched and balanced. A properly executed stretch will tell the body that it is ok to relax, thus “releasing the body’s parking brake”. Golf mobility drills will help release the parking brake on your body.
You Can’t Out Exercise A Bad Diet
Filed under Weight Loss
If you consider ALL of the physical, chemical, biochemical, energetic, and emotional changes that occur in the body every time you eat something, it will hopefully make it clear that taking a this for that approach with diet and exercise is not the best use of your time and energy.
Amylase, Hydrochloric acid, pepsin, insulin, glucagon, pancreatin, protease, lipase, bile, thyroxin, adrenaline, cortisol are just the headliner of substances that the body has to manufacture to eat.
No amount of exercise (strength training or cardio) can hold a candle up to what you put in your mouth.
The more resist or “try to push the river backwards” on the fact, you will suffer.
The Head Wins In The Golf Swing:
Filed under Golf Fitness
If the head moves more than one half width off the ball, your risk of hitting a bad shot increases. Improving mobility helps keep your eye on the ball.
For more tips visit:
Eat More To Lose More
Filed under Weight Loss
Eating nutrient dense food at frequent intervals raises your metabolism. This is known as the thermal/thermic effect of food; use it to your advantage.
Still Afraid of Fat?
Filed under Weight Loss
All of your sex hormones require healthy levels of good fats in the diet. A fat deficiency will cause the hormonal system to break down which will stop any weight loss efforts in their tracks and even make you gain weight.
Can You Rotate?
Filed under Golf Fitness
Every joint in the body must be able to rotate. A restriction in any of the joints will result in substitutions patterns that will kill your body and your golf swing.
For more golf tips check out:
Build Lean Muscle To Lose Weight Permanently
Filed under Weight Loss
The key to permanent weight loss and body transformation is to increase lean muscle mass or maintain a good muscle mass foundation. This may seem counter intuitive to those that are overweight but your ability to maintain muscle mass will determine how your body changes.
Golf Mobility
Filed under Golf Fitness
Research has shown that the golf swing requires about 90% of voluntary muscular effort. That means you use almost all of your available power when swinging a golf club. Golf-specific mobilizations increase circulation and relaxation that will prepare you to play a good round of golf or give you a good recharge after your round.
Movement: Garbage In, Garbage Out
Filed under Corrective Exercise
Studies have shown that it takes 3 to 500 repetitions to develop a movement pattern. To undo the same pattern it takes 3 to 5,000 repetitions. When you consider that poor movement increases the likelihood of injury and degenerative conditions, developing correct movement patterns from the start becomes even more important.
Posture and Golf
Filed under Golf Fitness
Moshe Feldenkrais said, “The greater the misaligned of the spine the more energy wasted in movement, sport, and life”. Good golf begins with good align and good posture.
For more golf tips check out: