Golf Mobility Tip:
Filed under Golf Fitness
It’s one thing to have the flexibility to move freely without restriction. The next level of physical performance is to gain control over the unrestricted movement. This ability is called mobility. Exercises like the neck trunk trainer drill will help loosen up the entire body in preparation for the golf swing.
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Golf Flexibility Tip
Filed under Golf Fitness
Many of my golf clients are amazed at how their ball striking improves from simply doing stretches. One important piece of advice that I want to give you is not to neglect the flexibility and balance components of your Monster Golf Swing program. A properly executed stretching program will produce fast gains in golf performance and here is why;
A tight muscle is a weak muscle. In the book Stretching and Strengthening, Theime says that sedentary living, repetitive activity such as golf and improper exercise technique can all contribute to tight muscles. Flexibility, strength, and power are intimately connected but flexibility is the gatekeeper to achieving optimal strength and power. Our body has a protective mechanism that does not allow it to move beyond a point that it is not strong enough to control. It can be likened to the parking brake on your car. For example a tight hip muscle will restrict hip mechanics during the golf swing. The tighter the hip muscle gets, the weaker it gets. Tightness begets weakness and weakness begets tightness. It is a perpetuating cycle that will continue until the muscle is properly stretched and balanced. A properly executed stretch will tell the body that it is ok to relax, thus “releasing the body’s parking brake”.
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Steps to Golf Fitness:
Filed under Golf Fitness
To maximize your golf game, adequate Flexibility is necessary to complete all phases of the golf swing. Proprioception or body awareness is needed for proper swing mechanics. Exceptional coordination allows for proper movement sequencing. To maintain the body’s center of gravity at the various swing positions, Balance must be maintained. Consistent golf performance demands a solid foundation of strength. Strength will prepare your body to generate the force needed to sustain power. Power is what creates club head speed needed for long drives.
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How Food Affects Your Mood
Connect Diet With Disease
Filed under Health Concerns
Real vs. Fake Weight loss:
Filed under Weight Loss
Focus on fat loss instead of weight loss. True weight loss is measured in terms of body composition. The exception is with people who are over 35% body fat and considered morbidly obese, which is being 100 pounds over what is considered ideal bodyweight for your height and frame. Those who are between 10 and 30 pounds heavy should focus on losing fat to achieve permanent weight loss.
Have your body composition measured and re-checked every 6 to 8 weeks. This is to determine if you are keeping a favorable fat to muscle ratio. Your eyes will probably tell you even before the body fat caliper will. If you are losing weight and your body shape is changing you are more than likely losing body fat. If you have lost a significant amount of weight i.e. 5 to 10% of your body weight and your shape has changed very little I would definitely look at your weight loss program a bit closer.
There Are No Sheep In Elite Athletics
Filed under Pearls Of Wisdom
Everyone is unique and must take the time to discover what works for them, not only for sports performance but for long term health and vitality. What might work for the champion of the day is not necessarily best for someone else. Success does leave clues but there’s nothing that replaces experience. Put any idea to the test; be honest about why and how its working and you’ll set yourself up to be a bona fide bad ass in your sport and activity.
How To Cure Cravings
How To Succeed on the HCG diet
Filed under Weight Loss
For a long time I battled with the reality that people will always look for the quick and easy fix. I now understand that the best way that I can help people who are looking for a quick fix is to help them make the best and most informed choice possible. With that said here are my quick tips for doing the HCG diet successfully.
1. Eat the highest quality food possible. Because your calories are very restricted, you want to get as much bang for your nutritional buck as possible.
2. Exercise! Yes I know the standard protocol is to advise HCG clients not to exercise, but those recommendations are under the assumption that the client will exercise using conventional techniques (i.e. cardio, intense weight lifting, boot camp classes, etc). However the right type of exercise will enhance the effect of the HCG. For more info on the right type of exercise to do while on the HCG diet, send us a message.
3. Create your new and healthy way of living BEFORE you are done with your HCG program. You want to have your success systems already in place before you stop the protocol. Otherwise you will not have the skills and habits to maintain your weight loss.
4. Get your blood tested. Get your entire metabolic and hormone system evaluated and have someone interpret the results who is skilled with a holistic and preventative mindset. This information combined with what your body is telling you will help you take the steps to maintain your results. #hcgdiet #permanentweightloss
Kill The Number One Reason For Storing Fat
Filed under Weight Loss
When there are excessive toxins in the bloodstream, the body will accumulate body fat to protect the internal organs from being poisoned. These are not signs and symptoms that are conducive for weight loss. Just know that if your liver is too busy fighting off extra toxins, it will be very hard to perform other jobs like make the proper hormones for weight loss.