Be Aware of Shiny New Things
Filed under Corrective Exercise, Pearls Of Wisdom
A good friend of mine and Master RKC Brett Jones nailed it on the head when he explained this concept of keeping training simple and focused.
The sign of an amateur is in their constant pursuit of “the next new exercise or workout”.
Here’s the reality.
Russian coaches have an expression, “the continuity of the training process”. If you are exposed to an
exercise for only a couple of workouts, your gains from this exercise will be transient at best, non-existent at worse. If you want a lean, fit, resilient and strong body, you must sink your roots deep into your training.
If you keep taking detours into the next “shiny new thing”, you’ll be a jack of all trades,
a master of none and a lack of results to show for it.
Think about it…