How To Stretch Before & After Playing Golf:
Filed under Golf Fitness
Before your round of golf it is important that you perform stretches in a way that excites the nervous system to prepare the body for the stressful mechanics of the golf swing.
After playing golf it is important to perform stretches with a longer hold time to correct any imbalances caused by the golf swing.
Monster Golf Swing Tips
Filed under Golf Fitness
One thing that I wanted to achieve with Monster Golf Swing was to teach you how to develop total golf fitness from head to toe. Here’s what I mean;
The Head:
Think of your head like a gyroscope. It must be balanced in all 3 dimensions. Front to back, side to side and in rotation. If one side of your neck is tight or weak it will throw off your ability to keep your eye on the golf ball as well as maintain a balanced swing. The old saying goes, “Wherever the head goes, the body follows.”
Shoulders and Arms:
The shoulders and arms are the whipping boys of the golf swing. They are slaves to the rest of the body and the gatekeepers between you and the club. The shoulders must have the mobility and strength to transfer the force from your body and into the golf club. That force is directly dependent on the spine.
The rule of thumb is that for every degree that your spine cannot rotate, you will compensate by using your shoulders and arms during your golf swing. This problem typically shows up as a shoulder, elbow or wrist injury. The cervical (neck), thoracic (chest), and lumbar spine (lower back) must have 3 dimensional mobility for an effective golf swing. The middle back area plays a HUGE role in your ability to rotate and generate power. This area is largely dependent on what the ribcage is doing.
Your ribcage can help power up your golf swing almost instantly. During the backswing it coils up like a spring and stores valuable energy. On the downswing the ribcage uncoils and releases that stored energy into the golf club. If your ribs are pliable and can freely expand and compress, you will be able to rotate freely and express more power and control in your golf swing. If your ribcage is tight, it can act like a corset and suck the juice right out of your swing.
The hips can get messed up in so many ways that I’d be here all day explaining it. Your hips behave like a bucket with strings attached to them that pull them in 3 directions. The hip muscles are strings that attach to the pelvis. If the muscles in the hips are balanced, there will be no restrictions in your golf swing.
For example, tight hamstrings will lock your hips and make it harder to bend and rotate. Weak buttock muscles will affect your downswing and your ability to keep your swing on plane. If you have tight groin muscles your hips can’t pivot in either direction. All this will get fixed during the very first phase of your Monster Golf Swing program.
If you don’t think the knees are important to your golf swing, ask Tiger Woods. That 15 degrees of rotation in your knee will make or break you. Your knee ligaments must be strong, pliable and durable to withstand the repetitive rotation action. The Monster Golf mobility exercises will insure that your knees can go the distance.
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Golf Balance/Core Tip
Filed under Golf Fitness
The abdominals play a critical role in a powerful and safe golf swing. Kettlebells provide real world conditioning for the abdominals that will carry over to the golf course and in everyday life. Every kettlebell drill in Monster Golf Swing engages the core. This is not a request but a demand for proper execution of the movements. There’s no guess work or gray areas about training your core. This is by proxy core conditioning.
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Golf Mobility Tip:
Filed under Golf Fitness
It’s one thing to have the flexibility to move freely without restriction. The next level of physical performance is to gain control over the unrestricted movement. This ability is called mobility. Exercises like the neck trunk trainer drill will help loosen up the entire body in preparation for the golf swing.
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Golf Flexibility Tip
Filed under Golf Fitness
Many of my golf clients are amazed at how their ball striking improves from simply doing stretches. One important piece of advice that I want to give you is not to neglect the flexibility and balance components of your Monster Golf Swing program. A properly executed stretching program will produce fast gains in golf performance and here is why;
A tight muscle is a weak muscle. In the book Stretching and Strengthening, Theime says that sedentary living, repetitive activity such as golf and improper exercise technique can all contribute to tight muscles. Flexibility, strength, and power are intimately connected but flexibility is the gatekeeper to achieving optimal strength and power. Our body has a protective mechanism that does not allow it to move beyond a point that it is not strong enough to control. It can be likened to the parking brake on your car. For example a tight hip muscle will restrict hip mechanics during the golf swing. The tighter the hip muscle gets, the weaker it gets. Tightness begets weakness and weakness begets tightness. It is a perpetuating cycle that will continue until the muscle is properly stretched and balanced. A properly executed stretch will tell the body that it is ok to relax, thus “releasing the body’s parking brake”.
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Steps to Golf Fitness:
Filed under Golf Fitness
To maximize your golf game, adequate Flexibility is necessary to complete all phases of the golf swing. Proprioception or body awareness is needed for proper swing mechanics. Exceptional coordination allows for proper movement sequencing. To maintain the body’s center of gravity at the various swing positions, Balance must be maintained. Consistent golf performance demands a solid foundation of strength. Strength will prepare your body to generate the force needed to sustain power. Power is what creates club head speed needed for long drives.
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