The Power Of Synergy In Body Transformation
Filed under Fitness, Pearls Of Wisdom
The old saying goes “The Whole Is Greater Than Its Individual Parts” holds true when it comes to achieving fast, dramatic and permanent changes in your body.
There must be synergy between nutrition, exercise AND lifestyle management.
Instead of doing one part ALOT, do all three a little and consistently.
There are 6 areas of Body Transformation that you have full control over every day;
1. Thoughts: You are what you think..
2. Breathing: Your breathe sets the rhythm for all other functions in your body. Master Your Breathe..Master Your Life.
3. Hydration: Keep it flowing with adequate hydration. Dehydration equals stagnation.
4. Food: Create balance in your physiology by eating according to your metabolic type.
5. Exercise: Not too much and not too little. Think about movement and intensity to determine what’s right for you.
6. Sleep: getting to be on time will do more for your hormonal system than any diet pill or cardio workout will.
Ask yourself what can you do in each of these areas to create synergy in your life…
The Fat Burning Blueprint
One of my coaching mantras is that fat loss is a chemical event, not mechanical.
If losing body fat was as easy as jumping on a treadmill, burning 875 calories and getting off a quarter pound lighter, everyone would be in great shape all the time because there is no shortage of people doing this type of training.
For any exercise program to work, your metabolism (i.e. your physiology) must be able to respond to your training.
Your hormonal system will play a LARGE role in determining how and IF your body will respond to your training program at all.
All of your glands must be functional (adrenals, Thyroid, Pituatary, gonads and even the pancreas).
If your body is responding to your exercise program then thank your lucky stars.
If your body is no longer responding to your training and diet, and/or you have reached a sticking point in your fat loss, it will be from one or all of the following:
1. Your hormonal system is compromised. Is it your adrenal, thyroid, pituitary, gonads or a little bit of all of them?
Find out what it is and you will turn the fat burning machine back on.
2. Your training program is not matching you current metabolic needs.
Are you over-training or under-training? Do the opposite of what you are currently doing and watch the magic happen.
Pay attention to your body.
When we are working with deadlines like getting ready for a contest, wedding, reunion or vacation, it is easy to get anxious.
As long a you stay in tune with what your body is telling you, you will make the right adjustments and reach your goal with ease.