How To Improve Your Appearance — INSTANTLY!

How To Improve Your Appearance — INSTANTLY!

By Terrence Thomas


How do you do that, you ask? The fastest way to improve the way you look, feel and perform is to improve your posture. It’s that simple. Simple but not easy and here’s why.

Posture is the position in which your body looks, functions and feels its best. When you are in ideal posture, all of your muscles are working in harmony with each other. When you have poor posture, your muscles work against each other.  In poor posture, one group of muscles will become short and tight while another set of muscles will become long and weak.  You develop what are known as length-tension dysfunction within the muscles.

Since muscles are extremely metabolically active. They play a major role in your ability to burn fat by boosting metabolism as they generate heat. Muscles act like mini engines of the body. When you are in ideal posture, you can increase your metabolism because all of your muscles are turned on and working in balance and unison and being used properly.

Improving posture can also boost energy levels. Think about it. What is the energetic cost of moving around in poor posture versus moving around with good posture?  You will use less energy when you have good posture and therefore use energy more efficiently and not waste it.

Cosmetically. the fastest way to get your butt lifted, your stomach flattened, your chin more contoured; all of these things happen when you focus on good posture. Many of the reasons people undergo surgery stems from having poor posture over a long period of time.  If you maintain a poor posture long enough, you create permanent changes in the structure of your body. Muscle and skin begin to sag and things start to hurt. The faster you achieve good posture, the quicker you’ll be able to get on your road to physical excellence.

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