Protein, Carbs and Fats: The Next Evolution
Let’s take fresh look at some long standing beliefs about nutrition. To be more specific let’s explore some long standing strategies as it relates to dieting for weight loss and physique transformation.
This first of a 3 part series will cover an important issue related to fat intake.
When the goal is maximum fat loss, the obvious thing to do would be to limit fat intake as much as possible. This may sound good in theory but when that theory is applied here’s what happens..
Consider that your steroid based hormones (needed for fat loss) are fat based. In other words, fat (saturated fat in particular) needs to be there for the body to make, estrogen, testosterone etc. When the body’s saturated fat reserves gets too low, your hormonal system will suffer.
The reality is that, it is the insulin/glucagon balance and cyclic amp pathways that will determine your rate and magnitude of fat loss. (more on this later)
To take this a step further your metabolic type will determine how much fat you will need and in what ratios.
Certain Metabolic Types can get the job done with lower amounts of saturated fats while others need TONS of it.
1. Find out with absolute certainty what your fat requirement is by knowing your metabolic type.
some food for thought.